Obama Instigated Anti-Biden Coup with 25th Amendment Threat, Sy Hersh Reports


Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has unveiled explosive claims that former President Barack Obama orchestrated a plan to leverage the 25th Amendment to remove President Joe Biden from office. The allegations suggest that Obama, along with other high-ranking Democrats, sought to undermine Biden's presidency due to concerns over his cognitive abilities and policy decisions.

Hersh's report indicates that there were discussions among Democratic leaders about invoking the 25th Amendment, which allows for the removal of a sitting president deemed unfit to discharge the duties of the office. This strategy was reportedly considered as Biden's approval ratings faltered and his administration faced mounting criticism.

The renowned journalist, known for his previous groundbreaking stories such as the My Lai Massacre and the Abu Ghraib scandal, has a history of exposing government misconduct. In this instance, Hersh alleges that Obama was dissatisfied with Biden's handling of several key issues, including foreign policy blunders and economic challenges.

The report claims that Obama and his allies were particularly concerned about Biden's ability to effectively manage the presidency amid increasing domestic and international pressures. They allegedly viewed the 25th Amendment as a potential tool to replace Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris, who they believed could provide stronger leadership.

Hersh's sources within the Democratic Party indicate that the discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment intensified following a series of gaffes and missteps by Biden. These incidents reportedly raised alarm bells among top Democrats who feared that Biden's cognitive decline was becoming more apparent and problematic.

Despite these claims, there has been significant pushback against Hersh's report. Critics argue that the allegations are unfounded and lack concrete evidence. They point out that Hersh has faced controversy in the past for some of his more sensational stories, suggesting that this latest report should be approached with caution.

Nevertheless, the implications of Hersh's revelations are profound. If true, they suggest a deep rift within the Democratic Party and a lack of confidence in Biden's leadership from some of its most influential figures. The story has already sparked intense debate and speculation about the future of the Biden administration and the potential for significant political upheaval.

This controversy adds another layer of complexity to the already tumultuous political landscape in the United States. As the nation gears up for the 2024 presidential election, the internal dynamics of the Democratic Party and the stability of Biden's presidency are likely to remain hot topics of discussion and concern.


  1. The only thing Obama did was to not follow through with leading removal of mentally ill man with finger on the nuclear war button. Global warming is not the most immediate existential threat to the world. It is a nuclear war started by some one who belongs in a mental institution rather than in the White House.

  2. Obama, Jarrett, axlerod, and others that hate our Americanism are driving the marxist/ communist agenda.
    To think otherwise is pure ignorance of the truth and corruption that has metastisized in our media and central government!
    Wake up people!

  3. I don’t think they actually hate this country. They just want it to be ruled by their political beliefs. I do think they hate our independence where we can tell the brilliant all-knowing upper crust world leaders to pound sand when we don’t like their ideas on how to live! I’m sure if they could engineer a breakup of this country in to 50 different, squabbling little countries fighting each other they would rejoice! But as long as American citizens believe this is “One Country Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All” this isn’t going to happening!

  4. Biden’s Alzheimer’s disease got so bad that even though Obama was running things in the background he couldn’t have him on stage anymore.


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