Global Stability at Risk as Biden’s Foreign Policy Faces Harsh Criticism


The international stage is witnessing a dramatic escalation in conflicts, and the current U.S. administration’s foreign policy is under intense scrutiny. Critics argue that President Biden’s approach has inadvertently paved the way for a potential global war, with tensions rising across multiple continents.

Gordon Chang, a seasoned analyst of international affairs, has voiced a stark warning, suggesting that the Biden administration’s policies are contributing to a dangerous convergence of conflicts. According to Chang, the administration’s failure to effectively address these issues could lead to China and Russia, either directly or through proxies, escalating existing conflicts into a full-blown global confrontation.

The situation appears to be deteriorating rapidly, with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan acknowledging the complexity and interconnectedness of regional conflicts during a CNN interview. Despite efforts to contain these disputes, the reality on the ground suggests a broader regional conflict is already unfolding, with implications for global security.

Chang points out that the ripple effects of the war in Gaza have extended far beyond its borders. The relocation of Hamas leaders to various countries, including Morocco and Algeria, indicates Iran’s growing influence across the Mediterranean and Red Sea regions. This strategic positioning poses a direct threat to international shipping lanes and regional stability.

The sequence of events is troubling, with the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increased insurgencies in North Africa. Iran’s aggressive posture towards Israel from Gaza and the Golan Heights further exacerbates the situation. These developments paint a grim picture of bloodshed across three continents, as described by Jonathan Bass of InfraGlobal Partners.

Critics argue that the Biden administration’s belief in integrating all nations into a rules-based international system is fundamentally flawed. Adversarial states like China and Russia do not adhere to the principles of sovereignty that have defined the international order since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Their collaboration in undermining this system poses a significant challenge to global peace.

The administration’s attempts to engage with China and manage the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are seen as inadequate by those who believe there can be no compromise with regimes intent on undermining or destroying the United States. The pursuit of accommodation with such adversaries is viewed as a strategic misstep that could have dire consequences.

In light of these concerns, the administration faces a critical juncture. It must reassess its foreign policy strategies and take decisive action to prevent further destabilization. The stakes are high, and the world watches closely as the U.S. grapples with the daunting task of navigating these turbulent geopolitical waters.