Gallup: Young Women Are More Woke and Politically Shrill Than Ever Before


A recent Gallup poll has revealed that young women today are leaning further left than at any other time in recent history, embracing more radical views on a range of political and social issues. The study highlights the growing shift towards extreme progressivism among women aged 18-29, particularly on issues such as abortion, race relations, gun control, and environmental policies.

The rise in "wokeness" among this demographic has sparked significant concern, especially given the increasingly combative and divisive nature of their political engagement. Critics have noted that what used to be more measured support for progressive causes has evolved into a hardline stance, with many young women now openly identifying with Marxist ideologies and displaying hostility toward those with differing views​.

This dramatic political shift is reflected in the numbers: Gallup’s data shows that the percentage of young women identifying as liberal has risen by double digits over the past two decades. In contrast, their male counterparts remain far less likely to adopt such extreme positions, further deepening the gender divide in American politics. Young men, especially, appear to be increasingly rejecting the feminist ideals that dominate discussions on race, gender, and social justice, widening the gap between the sexes.

While young women have historically leaned left, this new surge in progressive identification is more intense than ever before. The poll suggests that, for many, their political beliefs have become deeply intertwined with their personal identities, fueling passionate and, at times, aggressive activism. This phenomenon has been linked to the broader rise of identity politics, where political affiliation often overlaps with personal and social identity, leading to what many describe as “political shrillness.

Social media has played a significant role in amplifying these voices, allowing young women to engage in public discourse more vocally than in previous generations. However, this increase in political engagement is often accompanied by hostility toward perceived "out-groups." Many commentators argue that the increasingly toxic nature of online debates, particularly regarding issues like race and gender, has heightened the sense of division and animosity among young women.

Critics argue that this shift has not only polarized political discussions but has also alienated those who hold more moderate views. There is growing concern that this trend could further fracture American society, with young women adopting a more rigid, ideological stance on key issues. The rise in left-wing activism among this group has even extended into cultural arenas, where their voices are influencing media, entertainment, and education, pushing institutions to adopt more progressive agendas.

Conservatives warn that this increasingly radical approach threatens to destabilize core American values, as these young women become more entrenched in their views. They argue that the promotion of extreme ideologies, such as Marxism, has led to a rejection of traditional beliefs in favor of a divisive, zero-sum view of social justice. As Gallup’s data indicates, this is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in how the next generation of women is approaching politics).

As the 2024 election approaches, this growing left-wing shift among young women is likely to play a significant role in shaping the political landscape. Their passionate advocacy for progressive policies could drive turnout and sway key issues in favor of the Democratic Party, especially on topics like climate change and reproductive rights. However, the challenge remains in bridging the deepening divide between this demographic and the broader electorate, particularly as their influence continues to grow​.


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