Elite Israeli Commandos Destroy Iranian Missile Base in Syria


In a bold and highly unusual raid, elite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) commandos infiltrated Syria on Sunday night, targeting a secret underground missile production facility believed to be linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This operation, which occurred near the central Syrian town of Masyaf, was part of an escalating conflict aimed at curbing Iranian military entrenchment in the region.

The IDF team reportedly rappelled from helicopters to reach the facility, evading Syria’s Russian-made air defenses.

According to sources, the commandos engaged in a firefight with Syrian guards before rigging the base with explosives. Following the raid, Israeli airstrikes bombarded the area as a diversion, preventing Syrian reinforcements from reaching the site. These airstrikes also sparked fires in the surrounding countryside, causing widespread destruction.

The missile factory, allegedly developed with Iranian support, was said to be producing precision-guided missiles, which pose a growing threat to Israel. The IDF's raid highlights the ongoing shadow war between Israel and Iran, with Syria often serving as the battleground. Israel has long targeted Iranian weapons shipments and facilities in Syria, but ground operations like this are rare, marking a significant escalation.

The high-risk operation not only destroyed the missile base but also led to the recovery of sensitive materials and documents. Initial reports indicated that 16 individuals were killed, and 40 others were injured in the attack. Although some reports suggested the IDF captured Iranian personnel, these claims have not been verified by Israeli officials.

The success of this mission raises questions about Syria’s compromised air defenses, with speculation that Israel may have used advanced stealth technology or that Syrian defenses have been severely degraded by repeated Israeli strikes. The United States was reportedly briefed on the operation beforehand and did not oppose the action.

This strike sends a clear message to Tehran about the vulnerability of its military assets in Syria, particularly its missile development projects. Israel has made it clear that it will continue to take proactive measures to prevent Iran from establishing a permanent military foothold near its borders.

As tensions in the region continue to rise, both Israel and Iran are locked in a dangerous proxy conflict, with Syria often bearing the brunt of the violence. This latest operation underscores Israel’s commitment to maintaining its military superiority and its willingness to conduct daring ground operations to protect its security interests.


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