CIA, MI6 Chiefs Praise Ukraine’s ‘Audacious’ Kursk Invasion as a Game-Changer


In a rare public appearance on September 7, 2024, CIA Director William Burns and MI6 Chief Richard Moore praised Ukraine’s bold incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. The surprise offensive, launched in August, was described as an "audacious" move that has shifted the narrative of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, bringing the conflict closer to ordinary Russians, according to both intelligence heads.

The offensive, which saw Ukrainian forces cross into Russian territory, represented a significant escalation in the 2 1/2-year war that has often been confined within Ukraine’s borders. Moore called it a "typically bold" action on the part of Ukraine, highlighting its aim to challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion that began in February 2022. Burns added that this move has not only boosted Ukrainian morale but also has rattled the Russian elite, forcing them to confront the reality of war reaching their doorstep.

This was the first time Burns and Moore appeared together publicly, a rare joint event hosted in London, underscoring the significance of Ukraine's actions in Kursk. Burns emphasized that the operation is an essential tactical achievement, while both intelligence chiefs were careful to downplay concerns about Russian retaliation, particularly regarding nuclear threats. Burns, in particular, noted that Putin’s saber-rattling over nuclear escalation was typical but not a reason to be "unnecessarily intimidated"​.

The Kursk offensive, backed by Western intelligence and weaponry, showcased the growing involvement of U.S. and U.K. agencies in supporting Ukraine's military efforts. While both nations have denied direct involvement in planning the operation, they acknowledged the role of Western-supplied weapons in the assault. This has sparked debates about the risks of further escalating the conflict, with some fearing that such provocations could lead to more drastic Russian responses​.

Richard Moore pointed out that this invasion has brought the war "home to ordinary Russians," a reference to the psychological impact it may have on the Russian population, many of whom have so far remained insulated from the direct effects of the war. This incursion marks a departure from previous operations, which mostly took place within Ukrainian borders, and has led to a deeper questioning of Putin’s leadership within Russia, especially among the political elite. However, Moore stressed that despite growing discontent, Putin’s hold on power remains firm.

The strategic significance of this move goes beyond military gains. By targeting the Kursk region, Ukraine aims to weaken Russian morale and shake the public’s support for the Kremlin’s war effort. Reports indicate that the surprise invasion caught Russian forces off guard, with some Russian soldiers even surrendering during the early phases of the incursion.

Despite the relative success of the operation, Ukraine continues to face intense fighting in other regions, particularly in the Donbas. Russian forces, despite the psychological blow of the Kursk invasion, have made significant advances in Ukraine, particularly in areas like Bakhmut and Avdiivka. This dual pressure on the battlefield reflects the broader complexities of the conflict, which shows no signs of a quick resolution.

As the war drags on, Western leaders continue to offer strong rhetorical support for Ukraine. However, there are growing concerns among some analysts that these escalations, particularly actions like the Kursk invasion, could provoke harsher responses from Moscow. For now, though, Ukraine’s gamble appears to have paid off, at least in terms of morale and shifting the psychological landscape of the war​.


  1. Russia doesn’t want any thing to do with a world government–unless they are in charge! The Soviet Empire was working on this when it finally collapsed. The new Russian empire is returning to the Czarist past as the Oligarchs are jockeying for power and wealth. Putin is just more powerful than they are, right now!


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