America’s Defense Against the Unknown: A Call for Preparedness


In an era where national security is paramount, a recent internal Pentagon report has raised significant concerns about America’s readiness to face unconventional threats. The Department of Defense (DoD), tasked with safeguarding the nation, appears to be grappling with a lack of comprehensive strategies to detect and analyze Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This revelation is not just a matter of science fiction intrigue but speaks to the broader issue of our military’s preparedness for unforeseen challenges.

The report, which underwent declassification due to high public interest, underscores a troubling gap in our defense apparatus. It reveals that the DoD has not established a coordinated effort to track, report, collect, analyze, and identify UAP incidents. Such oversight is alarming, considering the potential risks these unidentified entities could pose to national security and military forces. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has made it clear that this blindspot could leave us vulnerable to threats we have yet to understand or anticipate.

In response to these findings, the Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) in July 2022. This office is responsible for synchronizing efforts across the military to address UAP incidents. However, the OIG has expressed concern over the effectiveness of this new entity, noting that without DoD-level guidance, AARO has struggled to develop formal processes for detecting and reporting on aerial anomalies.

The lack of a unified approach is evident in the sporadic nature of UAP incident reports by military pilots. Despite their continued encounters with unexplained phenomena, there is no mandate requiring these observations to be shared with AARO. This disjointed system of reporting does little to advance our understanding of these phenomena or prepare us for the possibility of an extraterrestrial encounter.

It is imperative that the DoD takes the OIG’s eleven recommendations seriously, integrating UAP identification into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff must also issue clear guidance to geographic combatant commanders, ensuring that detection and analysis of UAPs are standardized across all areas of responsibility.

This situation calls for a conservative approach to national defense—one that prioritizes vigilance, thoroughness, and foresight. We cannot afford to dismiss or ignore potential threats, regardless of how unconventional they may seem. Our military must be equipped with the tools and procedures necessary to confront any challenge, terrestrial or otherwise.

As we consider the implications of this report, let us remember that national security is not a partisan issue. It is a fundamental responsibility of our government to protect its citizens from all threats, known and unknown. In the face of such uncertainty, we must demand action and accountability from our defense leaders.

Only through a concerted and proactive defense strategy can we ensure that America remains secure against all possible invasions, whether they come from across the ocean or beyond the stars.